Winter always comes faster than we expect and I doubt it’s anyone’s favorite time to be a horse owner! Winter is dark and difficult for most. But there are some things you can do to prepare yourself so it is a little easier to enjoy it.

Wash all your blankets
Now is a good time to wash (or bring them in to wash) all your summer sheets as well as making sure your winter blankets are washed and repaired so they are ready for the colder temps.
Check out my post about how to wash your own saddle pads and blankets.
Once your summer sheets and fly sheets are clean, put them away into storage so they are clean but ready for next Spring/Summer.
Strip your stalls and put in new bedding
Now is a good time to strip your stalls again (maybe you do this on a regular basis but I do it only occasionally), so I always like to strip stalls before it’s super cold. It’s easier to do heavy lifting when it isn’t so cold, so get it done now!
You and your horse(s) will appreciate a clean slate in their stall
Stock up on feed and supplies
Depending on where you live, getting hay, bedding, feed and other supplies in the winter can be really challenging. But it is also just harder in the winter, so get as stocked up as possible now.
If you have space, buying hay now is significantly cheaper than the middle of winter. It can also be difficult to get trucks and hay moved in snow and ice.
Get as much bedding as you can afford and store for the winter so you don’t have to deal with it once it’s colder.
Horse Trailer Maintenance
Now is the time to make sure your horse trailer is up to date on maintenance. It’s worth having a company inspect and perform necessary maintenance if you don’t know how yourself.
It is also important to park your trailer somewhere you can hook it up in case of emergency and easily clear the snow from around it.
Don’t forget about maintenance to your truck in the winter! You want it to be easy to start and ready to go in case of hauling to the vet even in winter weather.
Prep for winter horse watering
Let’s face it, no one likes watering horses in the winter! It kind of sucks if you are someone who doesn’t experience winter and already know that.
A little prep will help you out in the cold. Make sure you have solid hoses and a way to drain them or bring them inside.
Are your water spigots protected from freezing? Make sure they are not leaking which could lead to broken spigots once the temps fall below freezing.
Make sure your trough heaters/deicers are working and don’t have any damage to the cords.
Be ready for winter hoof care
Hooves are a bit frustrating in the winter. It is harder to work on them in the winter and snow balls are slick and dangerous for the horses.
Make sure you have hoof picks easily accessible, so you are ready to pick out hooves whenever it’s needed!
Related Post: Hoof Care Tips
Next, you’ll want to have non stick spray or possibly snow pads put in with your horse’s shoes. Non stick cooking spray can help prevent snow ball build up in hooves (but it isn’t foolproof). Snow pads work very well if your horse wears shoes and you live in a snowy/icy place.
Prep barn walkways and arena surfaces
Now is the time to prep paths inside and outside the barn. If they need more gravel, get it done now. Make sure you have material where you want it so walkways are less slick in the snow and ice.
If you use mag flakes on your indoor arena, now is the time to apply it so you are ready for a (less) dusty winter of riding inside.
If you need to water your arena in the winter, have hoses that can access the arenas without freezing up. Keep the hoses drained or in a garage or house to keep them from freezing.
What else do you do to prepare for winter? Good luck riding this winter!
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