Taking care of your riding boots is very important. They are no small investment with boot prices ranging from $100-$2,000+ (the higher range is usually for custom boots). Learning to take good care of your leather riding boots will pay off over time with extending the longevity of their life allowing you to ride in them longer!

Riding boots should be treated with care, not just thrown to the ground covered in dirt after your ride.
How do you take care of riding boots?
There are several steps you can take to care for your tall riding boots! From keeping them clean to proper storage.
Keeping Riding boots clean
Try to keep dirt and mud off your riding boots.
Easier said than done, I know! It is best to wipe off mud each day if you can. I’ll admit that I never feel like I have time to do this EVERY day, so do it however often you can!
You can also use overshoes to protect your investment whether at a show or at home. Use something rubber so you can easily rinse off mud and debris with a hose instead of having to clean your boots. These Tingley Rubber Overshoes are perfect for keeping mud off your nice leather boots!
Be sure to use something delicate to remove dirt and sweat from your boots. A lightly damp cloth or boot brush would be best so you don’t scratch or cause abrasions in your leather riding boots.
What is the best tall boot cleaner?
Most dirt and debris will come off with water a lightly applied cloth, however if it does not, then you should use a boot cleaner. What is the best boot cleaner?
I like this Bickmore Cleaner. That link brings you to a 3 piece set with cleaner, conditioner and repellent. This product cleans and conditions your boots, in a few simple steps. Using a boot cleaner every month or so (depending on how much you use your boots) is important to keep your leather boots in good condition. Another easy boot care kit is the Effax Leather Care Kit. This kit has everything you need to clean and polish your favorite boots.
How do you clean Paddock Boots?
They are pretty much the same as tall riding boots, so you can use the same products and processes to take care of your leather paddock boots. You should still try to keep paddock boots clean as much as possible and get dirt off when needed.
How often should you clean leather boots?
That depends on how dirty they get and what makes them dirty. Dirt and debris should be brushed off once dry. Try not to rub your boots with a rag too much because you don’t want to scratch your boots with dirt that is sitting on them. Gently wipe off dirt when needed. This could be every day. For a deeper clean, plan to clean your boots about every month, or as often as needed depending on how much you use them.
Storage of tall riding boots
The next important step for taking care of your tall riding boots is storage. When not in use, make sure to use boot trees. Cedar boot trees are great for reducing moisture and keeping the boot structure, but they are more expensive than plastic boot trees. Cedar boot trees also have the added bonus of smelling good. Many tall boots come with plastic trees, so make sure you don’t throw them away from your boot box!
Using a boot bag is another great way of extending the life of your tall riding boots. It is especially important when transporting or if you are storing boots long term. Boot bags usually have a soft lining and you zip your boots into them when they aren’t on your feet. Keep your tall riding boots clean prior to horse shows or when leaving them in the house for the winter.
Keep show boots clean for shows
Depending on your budget, getting a separate pair of boots for schooling vs showing can be helpful for getting your boots to last longer. This way, you can keep your show boots clean and polished so they don’t require as much cleaning and buffing prior to a horse show.
Check out this post about finding the right pair of tall riding boots.
provide Care for your Leather Riding Boots
In Summary, the best way to take care of your leather riding boots is to keep them clean (as much as possible), and provide on-going maintenance by cleaning and polishing them regularly. Try to store your boots in a boot bag whenever possible, as this will protect them from damage. Make sure you use boot cleaner and conditioner/polish so you are using the right products for the job!
Get out there and ride!
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