It’s Springtime, and that means that horse show season is right around the corner! Eating at a horse show is what keeps you fueled and going throughout the day. Finding snacks to bring to horse shows requires a bit of planning.
If you are trying to budget and keep your expenses down, horse show snack stands can end up with a lot of your money by the end of the day. So prepare yourself ahead of time to keep everyone fed and happy without overspending.
Some factors to consider when choosing your horse show snacks are:
- Personal Preferences
- Allergies
- Access to cold storage
- Ease of Eating
Let’s start with keeping everyone hydrated
Water and Gatorade are my favorites. It is even more cost efficient to buy Gatorade powder, rather than pre-mixed because it is cheaper per fluid ounce. Fill your water bottles and pack a case of water so there is enough for everyone in your show group. Keep the Gatorade powder and water bottles accessible and everyone can mix it up as they want it. If someone has something specific they want to drink, pack that as well. Juice boxes, soda, or flavored water may be all you can get certain people to drink.
Snacks that do not require refrigeration
Beef Jerky – Beef Jerky is packed with protein which can keep you full for longer. You can opt for a bag of beef jerky, or beef jerky sticks, which are probably easier with a bigger group of people.
Nuts – Nuts are high in protein and fats, making them a healthier choice compared to sweets and chips. Keeping their flavoring basic will reduce the added sugar and salt. I like pistachios and cashews best! But any nuts that you like are a great snack that keeps well, even in the heat.
Goldfish or other crackers – A delicious salty snack, easy to eat a handful. A large carton is probably the cheapest way to go and you can divide into little baggies or put out a bowl that everyone can share.
No bake energy bites – these may need some refrigeration if the day is hot, but they are easy to make ahead of time and bring along to the horse show.

Bananas, Apples and/or carrots – these make a great snack for you, and your horse will appreciate the apples or carrots as a treat as well. Make sure you have a knife to cut them up, or buy them pre-cut.
Cookies – chocolate chips may melt if it’s very hot, but cookies don’t need to be kept chilled, making them an easy horse show snack. I’m sure someone’s mom wants to bake cookies for the horse show crew! If not, you can buy a package of cookies.
Nutrition Bars – My favorite snack/nutrition bars are Kind Bars, but some do have chocolate so they could melt, but are easily contained inside their wrappers. Nutrition bars are easy to grab on the go and can give you a great burst on energy. Some other great brands of bars are:

Trail Mix – it usually has nuts, dried fruit and something sweet along with other ingredients that make it an easy but satisfying snack. You can buy in bulk or purchase smaller bags that are easier if you have a big crew at the horse show.
Fruit Snacks – Fruit snacks usually come pre-packaged in small bags so they are easy for you to grab at the horse show. Keep an eye on how much sugar they have as that can quickly make them candy instead of fruit. Another delicious option is fruit leather (you can even make it yourself if you are ambitious).
Popcorn – you can buy popcorn in bags, or pop it yourself at home and sprinkle seasoning on the top. If you make it at home, don’t put anything on it apart from dry seasoning or it will get mushy, and then place in a ziplock bag for show day!
Dried Fruit – check the bulk section at your grocery store to see what dried fruit they have. Or you can order it online. Dried fruit keeps easily and for a long time and is easy to grab as a snack between classes.
Candy – although not good for you, I think everyone wants candy at a horse show. Keep yourself from giving the snack stand more money and pack your favorite candy for the show. Swedish Fish are my favorite, and they won’t melt if it’s hot.
Chips – Sunchips, tortilla chips, Doritos, Potato chips – whatever it is that like, go ahead and pack your chips for the horse show. You’ll want something salty.
Homemade Sweet Potato Chips – slice sweet potatoes as thin as you can and season with olive oil, salt and your favorite seasonings. Bake at 400 degrees for about 15 minutes or until the slices are golden and have crisped. After they have cooled, put them in a bag and throw them in the horse trailer.

Rice Crispie Treats – They are easy to make and won’t need to be kept cold. You can also buy them pre-packaged, but again, they will be more expensive.

Peanut butter and crackers – These come pre-made if you want to buy them that way, or you can pack a jar of peanut butter, crackers and a knife and smear it yourself.
These Snacks Require Refrigeration
If you have a horse trailer with living quarters and a functioning fridge, that’s awesome! Keeping these snacks cold will be super easy. If you don’t, you can still use a cooler and bag of ice to keep your snacks and drinks cold all day long at the show.
Crackers and Cheese – buying pre-cut cheese will make this an easier snack, or simply cut your cheese ahead of time (it’ll be cheaper than buying it pre-cut). You can buy a pre-made pack like this, or you can buy them separately.
Salad – healthy and it’ll cool you down if it’s a hot horse show day. But you’ll need a refrigerator to keep it from wilting and tasting gross.
Fruit – sliced fruit, blueberries, grapes, etc are all good snacks but should be kept cool or cold to avoid spoilage.
Cold Cuts – you can eat it with the crackers and cheeses, or make a sandwich for lunch!
Tuna Fish – not my kind of snack, but it is easy to pack and makes a great quick meal or snack when you’re at a horse show.
Celery and peanut butter – an easy but delicious snack that is light enough to eat at the horse show. The peanut butter does not have to be refrigerated, but the celery would probably be better if it is kept chilled.
String Cheese
Pick some of these snacks to bring to the horse show. This is one of the simplest ways to save money at horse shows. Just pack what you want to eat and make sure to have an ice chest for the day to keep your snacks and drinks chilled.
We’ve only done 1 small show last year and we’re starting this year off this weekend! Thanks for the tips – very helpful!