If you’re reading any of my other posts, you know that I have said how much money I save by meal planning. And I really do! I used to spend hundreds of dollars a week on food, and now it’s typically less than $100, for two people, for an entire week of meals.
New to meal planning? Check out my post that tells you exactly the steps I follow to plan my meals. Too lazy to find recipes and make the shopping list? That’s ok too – $5 Meal Plan is the way to go. It does the work for you.
Here are the recipes we are making this week:
- Quesadillas (there is no link because I do not use a recipe – put whatever you want in them – cheese, veggies, meat, etc!)
- Chicken Satay Skewers
- One pot Ziti (making this one in the instant pot)
- Chicken Curry
- Sweet potato and bean enchiladas – we still have not made these!! Better make them soon or the sweet potatoes will go bad…
My grocery store shopping list:
- Salsa $5.49
- Pasta Sauce $2.99 (there are cheaper, but I like a good sauce without too much added sugar)
- Half and half $2.49
- Milk $1.49
- Yogurt $7.04
- Pasta $1
- Shredded cheese $2.49
- Apples $9.81
- Carrots $1.39
- Tortillas $2.57
- Mint $1.59
- Onion $0.73
- Bananas $0.92
- Bell Pepper $1.49
- Avocados $3.96
- Club soda $4.00
- Salad Kits $11.97 (I know that buying a head of lettuce is cheaper, but let me be perfectly honest that I am too tired to tear and wash lettuce at the end of the day. If I can dump out the bag, I’ll eat salad, if not, I won’t!!)
- Limes $4.00
- Harvest Snaps $1.99 (I was a hungry shopper today, so I ate these out of the bag once I got in the car…don’t judge)
- Eggs $1.59
Total $75.26
That’s just $37.63 per person for all our meals this week! I do purchase my meat in bulk and freeze it when it is on sale, so you’ll notice that I don’t have to buy chicken every week even though that’s on my meal plan. I save a lot of money this way. Chicken can go as low as $1.69 a lb when on sale, and when it isn’t, it is $3.99 a lb!!
Meal planning and not eating out can save you so much money! If money is tight, consider planning out your meals to save a lot. Use $5 meal plan if you don’t have the time or patience to plan out meals like I do.
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